On December 31st, 2018 an interesting article appeared in the New York Times. It was titled “Wielding Rocks and Knives, Arizonans Attack Self-Driving Cars“. It wasn’t a lazy review of some crazy future book. The fourth industrial revolution is here and our tools seem to be testing us. And some of us are running out →
Michael Phelps helps me arrive at three monikers to treasure All that separate him and me is about 50 meters. The 23 Golds, 3 silvers and 2 Bronze medals and achievements that befit the tag of the ‘greatest Olympian ever’, are beside the point. His achievements give a new meaning to what ‘Olympian heights’ or ‘champion’ could mean. Reading →
Back in school, the chemistry lab with its test tubes, beakers and such stuff was a pure joy. →
“Why are Digital Transformation projects tough?”, he asked me. We were just starting a conversation why the vectors →
Every now and then, there are domains and disciplines that come to the forefront and shine. Sometimes for →
The essential dilemma about the internet the way it is this: We have had to give up privacy →
There is much in the airwaves about the loss of privacy in the internet-enabled world? Have you wondered →
He drove by with a wave, rolled down the window and asked,”Kavi?” In an inchoate two minutes, I was seated settled in the comfortable car with his words “I’ll get you to the airport. Nice and safe” to soothe me. #SHRM18 had just wound down to a close and I was tearing myself away from →
A permanent secure digital distributed ledger was the simplest definition of Blockchain that emerged in the previous post from this series. A long conversation on the possibilities with blockchain resulted. As the ideas were wrestled with, the contours for further conversation needed to be sealed. And this post is just that. The contours for further conversation. →
It was around 6.30 AM at Hyderabad’s HITECH City. Tall buildings with glass facades dot the scant skyline. →